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Science & English Teacher

Oxford university/ master’s degree/ PGCE.

Was an assistant head teacher at top private girls’ school, St Catherines Bramley
Responsible for Biology, GCSE and IGCSE level science and A level Biology lessons. 14 years of teaching experience.

Independently teaching 11+ and 13+ test for English and mathematics. Provides university application and interview skills and techniques training. Especially helps when applying for medical college and Oxbridge application.

Teaching Style:
My absolute favourite part of teaching is that defining moment when a student’s face lights up because a point has suddenly become crystal clear to them!
This eureka feeling underpins the way I like to run lessons. I believe that young people learn best when they are enjoying the material and I encourage collaboration and a sense of fun in lessons. Everyone in a group lesson learns from the input of everyone else and makes progress from their own starting point.

"She always explained in a different way (both actively and intuitively) to re-enable kid to enjoy the learning process of biology."
"Teaching is patient and helps my daughter understand the complexity of the subject"


+44 7402847510 (UK)

+44 7458303287 (UK)

+44 7838900008 (Hong Kong)

77 Fulham Palace Rd, The Foundry, London W6 8AF

Unit 1901, 19th Floor, No.333 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

No. 1, Enterprise World, No. 1505 Zhongshan Avenue, Jiang'an District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Building 1, Gaoxin Baolong Plaza, No. 515 Yangfan Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

@2024 Little Lion Education Ltd

Little Lion Education Ltd. is registered in England and Wales (Company No. 11448885 ) with a registered office address at 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU

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