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Leo C


在11+考試當中家長經常都會幫助孩子準備考試,其中一科讓家長叫苦連天的就是verbal reasoning 語言推理。


11+ 考試中的語言推理測試旨在評估學生理解和處理書面信息的能力。它通常涉及一系列測試技能的問題,例如理解力、詞彙、邏輯思維和口頭批判性推理。



  1. 語言技能:語言推理測試通常需要很強的語言能力,包括詞彙、語法和理解能力。在這些語言技能上遇到困難的學生可能會發現很難理解問題或所提供段落的細微差別。

  2. 缺乏接觸:沒有接觸過廣泛的閱讀材料或沒有參與促進語言發展的活動的學生可能會面臨語言推理方面的挑戰。詞彙量有限或不熟悉複雜的句子結構會使有效理解和回答問題變得更加困難。

  3. 不熟悉的問題類型:語言推理測試通常包括各種問題格式,例如類比、同義詞/反義詞、完成句子和批判性推理。以前沒有遇到過這些問題類型的學生可能會發現,如果沒有足夠的練習,這些問題就會令人困惑或難以解決。

Leo sir 給大家一些例子體驗一下:

題目類型: Analogies

Complete the analogy by selecting the most appropriate word:

Dog is to Bark as Cat is to _______.

a) Meow

b) Purr

c) Howl

d) Squeak


Identify the word that is most similar in meaning to the given word:


a) Generous

b) Stingy

c) Thrifty

d) Lavish

題目類型:Completing Sentences:

Choose the word that best completes the sentence:

The ___________ of the novel left the readers in suspense until the very end.

a) Climax

b) Protagonist

c) Resolution

d) Foreshadowing

題目類型:Critical Reasoning:

Read the following passage and answer the question that follows:

"All cats have fur. Fluffy is a cat. Therefore, Fluffy has fur."

Based on the passage, which of the following statements is most likely true?

a) All animals with fur are cats.

b) All cats are fluffy.

c) Fluffy is the only cat with fur.

d) All cats have fur.

題目類型:Word Relationships:

Identify the word that is most opposite in meaning to the given word:


a) Opaque

b) Luminous

c) Translucent

d) Lucid

題目類型:Logical Deduction:

Study the following statements and determine which conclusion can be drawn:

Statement 1: All flowers are plants.

Statement 2: Roses are flowers.


a) Roses are plants.

b) Plants are flowers.

c) All plants are roses.

d) Flowers are roses.

題目類型:Sentence Completion:

Choose the word that best completes the sentence:

The mountain climbers reached the _______ after hours of difficult ascent.

a) Peak

b) Base

c) Valley

d) Slope


如果以上題目對你孩子來說有點困難的話,那麼我們的11+ 語言推理課程可以幫到你。

我們的語言推理課程由Matthew 老師和Rowland 老師共同編制,會覆蓋10大範疇:

  1. Vocabulary

  2. Building words

  3. Finding words

  4. Cloze

  5. Reordering

  6. Codes

  7. Sequences

  8. Logic

  9. Numbers

  10. Algebra



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